Ankle & Foot Pain

Ankle & Foot Pain2024-12-19T07:14:39+00:00

At Integrative Spine & Sports, we offer comprehensive treatment of ankle & foot pain at our locations in Upper West Side and Madison Ave in NYC.

Ankle & Foot Pain

Integrative Spine & Sports employs a multidisciplinary approach when addressing the debilitating and painful symptoms of ankle and foot pain. Our medical interventions may include a combination of traditional and innovative medical procedures, state-of-the-art technologies, physical therapy modalities, and therapeutic exercise regimens. Here, we describe the most frequently occurring symptoms associated with ankle and foot pain and the treatment methods our specialists use to maximize outcomes for patients. 

Ankle & Foot Pain Treatment in NYC

We offer a breadth of nonsurgical therapies for conditions that affect the muscles, nerves, discs, and soft tissues in the ankle and foot. With a focus on the root causes of acute and chronic pain, our integrative, holistic treatment plans are designed to reduce pain and inflammation, and improve mobility, strength, and flexibility; they may include one or more of the following:

Ankle & Foot Pain Specialists

Integrative Spine & Sports’ primary objective is to efficiently and effectively resolve debilitating symptoms associated with acute injury-related pain and chronic conditions affecting the muscles, soft tissue, nerves, and discs within the hand and wrist. Our integrative team of board-certified specialists consists of a physiatrist, chiropractors, and physical therapists who collaborate in the creation and application of customized, comprehensive treatment plans to meet the specific needs of each patient. We implement state-of-the-art technologies and provide to our patients both traditional and cutting-edge medical procedures, physical therapy modalities, and therapeutic exercise regimens to treat their pain and injuries.

Ankle & Foot Pain Conditions We Treat

Integrative Spine & Sports offers a nonsurgical approach to the treatment of ankle and foot pain for the following conditions:

Our podiatrists also treat the following foot problems:

Signs and Symptoms of Ankle & Foot Pain

The most common symptoms are decreased ankle / foot mobility, swelling, stiffness, redness, and warmth in the ankle and foot area. Individuals experiencing any of the following should seek medical consultation:

  • Bunions
  • Persistent pain for several days without relief
  • Inability to put weight/pressure on the area without significant pain
  • Pain spreading to other parts of the body
  • Extreme swelling or bruising
  • Shooting pain in the foot or ankle each morning (possibly indicating plantar fasciitis)
  • Numbness, weakness, tingling, or burning pain (especially in the bottom of the foot)

Causes of Ankle & Foot Pain

Injuries and medical conditions can contribute to ankle and foot pain, the most frequent cause being overuse. The most common causes are listed below.

  • Overuse
  • Excessive walking and standing
  • Consistent stress placed on the region
  • Ankle instability
  • Sprains / strains
  • Poor structural alignment of the leg or foot
  • Fracture
  • Disease (i.e.: gout, tendinosis, tendinitis, arthritis)
  • Nerve damage or injury
  • Deep vein thrombosis (blocked blood vessels)
  • Joint infection

In general, if you have no recollection of a recent injury and the ankle/foot pain is unexpected, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor.

Various medical conditions can cause ankle/foot pain, which is why it’s important to know as soon as possible whether your situation is serious or not.

A specialized doctor called a podiatrist is one who specializes in treating conditions of the foot, ankle, and related structures of the leg. For concerns about ankle and foot pain, consult a podiatrist near you.

Ankle & Foot Pain FAQs

How do I reduce my ankle/foot pain?2022-09-22T14:06:01+00:00

If your ankle/foot pain is a result of overuse or injury (like a sprain), then it might help to use the RICE method for treating soft tissue injuries. RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate — (1) rest the affected area, keeping it free from pressure, (2) apply an ice pack, (3) wrap the area in an elastic bandage, and (4) elevate the area above the level of your heart. All of these can contribute towards reducing your ankle/foot’s pain and swelling.

Can foot or ankle pain be a sign of something serious?2022-09-22T14:06:07+00:00

Yes, it can. Often, foot or ankle pain is a result of overuse, injury, or lack of exercise. But sometimes, foot or ankle pain can also be a sign of serious conditions like gout, arthritis, or plantar fasciitis. Consult a doctor for concerns about foot or ankle pain.

How should I sleep with ankle or foot pain?2022-09-22T14:06:13+00:00

Depending on your condition, it might help to place a pillow or two under your leg to elevate the ankle/foot. Doing this could reduce pain and swelling in the foot and ankle. Consult your doctor to determine if this is an appropriate treatment method for your condition.

Does Coronavirus (COVID-19) cause ankle or foot pain?2022-09-22T14:06:24+00:00

One of the less common symptoms of COVID-19 are “aches and pains”, but there is no confirmation on whether COVID-19 causes ankle or foot pain. Some patients report experiencing a tingling/boiling pain in and along the back of their legs. It is unknown whether this is a symptom of COVID-19. If the ankle/foot pain persists, consult your doctor.

We provide our patients with an integrated and holistic team approach to getting better.

We provide our patients with an integrated and holistic team approach to getting better.

Conditions Treated

We treat individuals suffering from a variety of acute injuries as well as chronic conditions.

Services & Treatments

Our focus is on promoting healing, restoring function and alleviating pain for patients.

Book an Appointment

We offer two convenient locations for patients: the Upper West Side or Madison Avenue.

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