Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care2024-12-12T16:47:22+00:00

Our NY sports chiropractors offer over 50 years of experience in chiropractic care and are dedicated to integrating the latest advances in solutions for our patients.

What is chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, hands-on, spinal manipulation technique designed to treat many medical conditions, such as low back pain or pain associated with arthritis, diabetes or osteoporosis.

It is performed by chiropractors, who are trained experts specializing in the spine, muscles, joints, and nervous system.

Chiropractic care can involve different treatments:

Chiropractors may choose from the various techniques listed depending on the patient’s specific needs and preferences, but the most common chiropractic care treatment by far is spinal manipulation therapy (SMT).

  • Education

  • Manual Therapy

  • Soft Tissue Therapy

  • Electronic Modalities

  • Self-management tools & techniques

Spinal Manipulation Therapy

This is a type of manual manipulation that involves hands-on manipulation of the vertebrae of the spine or other joints. You may also know this treatment by its more common name, the chiropractic adjustment. The goal of this procedure is to alleviate pain and improve spinal motion as well as the body’s physical function.

Patient Education

Education is another core component of chiropractic care, which is vital to helping patients achieve their best physical condition. Some may view chiropractic care as a quick fix for short, temporary relief. In truth, however, chiropractic care is a joint effort between the chiropractor and the patient which can give long-term and permanent results.

Why get chiropractic care?

Over 22 million Americans visit their chiropractors every year for chiropractic care, often seeking relief from back problems, as well as headaches and pain in the neck, arms, and legs. The overwhelming majority of these patients leave their clinics satisfied with their treatments.

In addition to helping relieve conditions in the bones, cartilage, connective tissue, joints, and muscles, chiropractic care also provides the following benefits:

  • Improves posture
  • Improves athletic performance
  • Lower-cost alternative treatment for chronic back pain
  • Very high satisfaction rate
  • Reduces neck pain
  • Reduces back pain
  • Reduces the need for pain relievers
  • Alleviates osteoarthritis symptoms
  • Alleviates scoliosis symptoms
  • Alleviates headache symptoms

How does chiropractic care work?

The word “chiropractic” comes from the Greek words kheir and praktikos, which mean hand and practical, respectively. Combined, the word “chiropractic” means “done by hand”. The name gives us a glimpse into how chiropractic care is done — using the hands to accomplish a task; in this case, to treat disease and illness without the use of drugs.

Simply put, if one of your vertebrae moves out of place through injury or another reason, a chiropractor can put it back where it belongs.

Specifically, what the chiropractor does is apply pressure to the patient’s spine then adjust the patient’s spinal alignment using quick movements. Sometimes, instruments are used, which is why there are also techniques like dropping or mechanically assisted pulls, which stretch out the patient’s spine.

Who should get chiropractic care?

We often recommend chiropractic care to everyone including:

  • Weekend warriors
  • People with active lifestyles
  • Senior citizens
  • Busy professionals
  • Everyday athletes
  • Professional athletes

Anyone can be susceptible to orthopedic conditions and could therefore benefit from chiropractic care.

What to expect with chiropractic care?

By diagnosing the source of your injury, we can pinpoint and help you correct the habits that are causing you pain. By utilizing traditional and advanced chiropractic techniques, possibly supplemented by additional sports medicine treatments, we can help heal the pain caused by those habits. And by educating you on ways to change those habits, we can help you prevent future injury or a recurrence of pain.

As needed, we will also prescribe rehabilitation to help you heal from injury and restore damaged muscle strength and joint function. Rehabilitation generally includes therapeutic exercises to strengthen and improve range of motion, and may include additional treatments such as electrical muscle stimulation or biopuncture.

Our sports chiropractors utilize a variety of non-invasive, non-surgical procedures designed to correct vertebral misalignment, eliminate debilitating scar tissue, and reduce pain and discomfort. In addition to traditional chiropractic adjustments, we offer specialized treatments such as Active Release Techniques (ART), Spinal Decompression, and the Graston Technique.

By diagnosing the source of your injury, we can pinpoint and help you correct the habits that are causing you pain. By utilizing traditional and advanced chiropractic techniques, possibly supplemented by additional sports medicine treatments, we can help heal the pain caused by those habits. And by educating you on ways to change those habits, we can help you prevent future injury or a recurrence of pain.

As needed, we will also prescribe rehabilitation to help you heal from injury and restore damaged muscle strength and joint function. Rehabilitation generally includes therapeutic exercises to strengthen and improve range of motion, and may include additional treatments such as electrical muscle stimulation or biopuncture.

Our sports chiropractors utilize a variety of non-invasive, non-surgical procedures designed to correct vertebral misalignment, eliminate debilitating scar tissue, and reduce pain and discomfort. In addition to traditional chiropractic adjustments, we offer specialized treatments such as Active Release Techniques (ART), Spinal Decompression, and the Graston Technique.

Chiropractic Care Experts

As a full-service chiropractic facility specializing in sports medicine and spine rehabilitation, we can recommend the safest, most practical nonsurgical solution for your condition so you can feel pain-free and move better.

Our goal is to educate each patient while implementing a functional, finite treatment plan. A comprehensive approach to chiropractic care — combining proper diagnosis, treatment and education — is the key to helping you stay healthy.

Our NY sports chiropractors offer over 50 years of experience in chiropractic care and are dedicated to integrating the latest advances in sports medicine and spine research with solid, traditional chiropractic techniques that have been scientifically proven to work.

Get started on the road to recovery by booking an appointment today. Just give us a call at 212-362-4742.

Chiropractic Care FAQ’s

How much is a chiropractic adjustment?2022-09-22T13:58:08+00:00

On average, chiropractic adjustments can cost about $65 per visit depending on the type of treatment issued as well as the severity of your injury. Depending on your chiropractor’s recommendation, you may also have to return for repeat appointments, which will cost more on top of your initial payment.

What do I do after chiropractic adjustment?2022-09-22T13:58:15+00:00

After a chiropractic adjustment, your chiropractor should tell you exactly how to proceed. It’s important to ask your chiropractor directly since they will know what your needs and preferences are. However, if you’re still unsure, we recommend drinking plenty of water, do gentle exercises (as advised by your chiropractor), and get plenty of rest. Avoid any heavy lifting on the same day as your treatment.

How many chiropractic visits does Medicare allow?2022-09-22T13:58:20+00:00

If deemed medically necessary, Medicare will cover any number of chiropractic visits. Medicare only covers manual manipulation, but there is no cap on the number of medically necessary visits you are allowed to have.

How often should you get a chiropractic adjustment?2022-09-22T13:58:27+00:00

Depending on the severity of your condition, a good baseline to go by is every 3 months or less.

Our integrative approach focuses on promoting healing, restoring function and alleviating pain.

Our integrative approach focuses on promoting healing, restoring function and alleviating pain.

Conditions Treated

We treat individuals suffering from a variety of acute injuries as well as chronic conditions.

Services & Treatments

Our focus is on promoting healing, restoring function and alleviating pain for patients.

Book an Appointment

We offer two convenient locations for patients: the Upper West Side or Madison Avenue.

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