Are You Not Getting any Results and Want to Avoid Surgery? Try PRP.
December 13, 2013
PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma, which is an injection in which your own blood is used to expedite the healing process. PRP has gained quite a bit of popularity over the past few years and has even been used by famous athletes such as Tiger Woods. PRP injections are geared towards the healing of osteoarthritis, ligament injuries and tendon injuries such as Achilles Tendinitis or Rotator Cuff Injuries.
So What Happens During a PRP Injection?
During this process, blood is drawn and spun in a centrifuge. The components of the blood are then re-injected into your body with a stronger concentration of healing factors, which are produced by platelets, into the site of damage. Growth factors ultimately accelerate tissue and wound healing. Tendons and ligaments don’t necessarily have adequate supply to heal, making PRP very advantageous. It can take at least 6 weeks to determine if any fiber growth has occurred under ultrasound guidance by your doctor. You may be advised to repeat the injection to obtain optimal healing.
Rehabilitation Following PRP:
Physical therapy or chiropractic care is to be held off for 10-14 days following a PRP injection procedure. Rehabilitation is highly recommended in order to regain flexibility and rebuild strength associated with your injury. Conservative therapy continues up to 2 weeks after starting therapy. The next 4-6 weeks will consist of restoring range of motion, strength, and balance to your affected joint. Return to sport may occur 6-8 weeks following a PRP procedure under the guidance of your physician.
The Future of PRP:
Not only is PRP used in sports medicine and orthopedics but also used in Plastic Surgery and Cosmetics. PRP has also shown success in helping to alleviate migraine headaches. The advantage of PRP is that it can be performed in your doctor’s office. It also reduces the risk of infection and subsequent effects of having surgery.
If you have any other questions regarding PRP, please call our office at 212-362-4742.